
We're proud to be a world-leader in fine art inkjet printing having won both the US Premier Print Award for Art Books (4 colours or more) and the Australian National Print Award for Limited Edition Books in May 2016, so we promise you world class printing with every album.


Genuine Leather Hardcover

10-Colour Inkjet Prints

Our Flush Mount Albums are produced with exquisite 10-colour inkjet printing that ensures intense colour and vivid detail.  Each page print is manually checked and finished in a fine coat of archival spray to ensure its ultimate lifespan.
Available to members only. View prices

Production Time (ex delivery)
21 days


Fusion Hardcover materials

Colour Management

Dr Les Walking has produced an ICC colour profile for our Cotton Rag paper. To ensure accurate colour reproduction, download the profile in our Design Tools section so you can softproof your album before uploading and ordering. Design Tools also includes tips for monitor calibration and using colour profiles.